Jasmine did a bit of vomiting in the night and then this morning was doing her impressions of Darth Vader. Poor thing has lots of mucus which we have decided is the thing that is making her vomit. When we aspirate her tube loads of disgusting snot comes back. It must be just sitting in her tummy making her feel sick. We propped her up in the cot by putting the cardboard triangle that was previously under her underneath the mattress and it works well. She has a comfy bed and no longer slides down the cot.It was Neil’s turn to lie in this morning but he didn’t really get much of one because of the racket she was making so in the end he got up when I disconnected her, just before the nurse arrived to give her an injection.
This afternoon Neil spent ages putting together the shoe rack. It looks great now it is together and is just the right size for dialysis equipment, but it was a bit of a torturous process so Neil was a bit cheesed off. I seemed to spend most of the afternoon taking things in and out of the washing machine. Then it was time to change her PD dressing and set up the machine and plug her in. And now the weekend is over and we are knackered. I am so going to get to bed early one night this week.
Our flat looks great though – no big boxes around the place anymore – we have space for the next delivery and we will start all over again trying to find places to put things.
Before Grandma Stalker left she figured out how to strap Jasmine into the buggy so here she is looking like she is about to parachute behind enemy lines wearing her strawberry beret.
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