Last week we tried a different type of plaster on Jasmine’s face for her NG tube. Instead of the cutey teddies we had a see through one. I didn’t like it much as it reminded me of the phantom of the opera face mask. It didn’t last long either and wasn’t as kind to her face as the teddy bear plasters which was why, when it came out last week, we rested her face for the day. From now on, she will be sporting teddies.
I am guessing that since I gave birth to Jasmine and Neil didn’t, I am always listening out for her in the night. The other night I woke up as she was vomiting and clambered across the bed to get to the cot (our bedroom no longer has floor to walk on). At this point Neil woke up and asked me if I had moved in his direction to give him a bit of a cuddle. I said that no I hadn’t I was just climbing over him to get to Jasmine to clean up her sick. He was on the cot side of the bed because he was supposed to be giving me the night off, but he was totally sleeping on duty and didn’t wake up any of the five times she vomited but he did snore very loudly. He didn’t get many cuddles that night, I can tell you.
Last night though was fantastic. Jasmine slept from 9pm, when her overnight feed goes up, until 5am and didn’t vomit once. I woke up at 5am and couldn’t believe the time. I checked the food pump, Jasmine, her sheets, and everything and couldn’t believe it. She was asleep, happy and vomit-free. She started vomiting around 6am but at that time I could cope as I had had plenty of sleep and Neil wakes up out of his coma and hears her when she is sick. I went to bed at 9pm too last night, which was great! I am going to do lots of that. I need my sleep.
Today we went to for our appointment at GOSH’s Renal Clinic. Jasmine had her weight, height, and head circumferance measured and her bloods taken. They were quite pleased with her progress and will ring us tomorrow with the blood results. We were there quite some time, as there were lots of people today all needing to be looked at, but not too many whom we recognised, apart from a teenage girl who remembered Jasmine from when she was on the ward too, so she asked if she could hold Jasmine and have a cuddle. She went away one happy girl. After our appointment we treated ourselves to a nice long lunch and came home late afternoon as it was raining too much to go anywhere else.
Oh Ruth you are funny (2nd Paragraph),
It seems in amongst all the hard work you have to deal with daily you still have a dry sense of humor. Well done, Jasmine is nearly 4 months old and it seems longer than that since you gave birth. Keep the blogs going as we are all still reading daily with interest. We will be popping to London for the weekend this summer, watch out for the Kelly girls.
Can we have an update on Jasmines weight and height please.
Love to you Ruth, Neil and Jasmine. XXX
Hi Ruth and Neil,
For the first time, I missed out a week or two and am catching up now. It kind of refreshes my astonishment at your strength and (yeah!) marvelous sense of humor. But then, I’m Dutch, and you know from Uncle Andy that the Dutch do not know such thing as humor, so I’m easily impressed. Don’t make the illustrous Uncle Andy talk to your lovely daughter too much; she might be influenced by his radical views (;-)).
Anyway, enough Andy-bashing. I’m not sure whether I will be in London this summer, but if I am, I will definitely let you know.
Lots of love to you all, Babs
from medal
hi jasmine
good luck i hope you are happy love med