It was raining today so we stayed at home and relaxed.
Yesterday was what we call a ‘busy day’, when we have to change Jasmine’s dressing on top of setting up her machine, connecting and disconnecting her, and drawing up her medicines. It didn’t feel busy at all as we did everything in the morning and wandered about in the afternoon, enjoying the sunshine. The more practice we have, the easier everything gets. I am even really into the three minute handwashes – it is like having a mini-meditation. And the good part about changing Jasmine’s dressing is that we can give her bath beforehand, knowing that if we get her dressing wet we will be changing it. Jasmine enjoys her bathtimes.
She is able to do lots more nowadays. She tries to hold her bottle sometimes when you feed her and reaches out for things and wraps her hands around them.
Last night, she reached for face and pulled out her NG tube. She must have been working at it for a while as it was taped down good and proper. Tonight, she vomited it up, poor thing. So we have had two days of NG repassing practice. It gets easier each time and is better than going down to the local A&E, which we would have had to do if we hadn’t had training. Especially since she was on her dialysis so disconnecting and getting organised to go there and then probably waiting a while, would have been a real drag. At home we repassed it in a couple of minutes. It is great to have some control over things and just fantastic to be able to take care of our baby girl at home.