Jasmine’s hernia stitches are looking good and healing nicely. She is still off dialysis and the doctors are monitoring her bloods, in particular her creatinine levels. Her urine output volume is good (but of poor quality). She hasn’t swelled up as her fluids are being carefully managed. We weighed her this evening and she is 3.28kgs. She is about 52cms long (possibly longer as we haven’t looked at her charts for a couple of weeks).
Today we both managed to take her blood pressure individually without any help. This involves holding the doppler on her wrist with one hand and holding the manual sphygmomanometer in the other hand. Manual blood pressures are more accurate than automatic ones.
I did my yoga this morning for the first time since the caesarian and it felt good.
Should Jasmine be eating Panini’s and drinking Lattes? 😉