The community nurses arrived this morning to inject Jasmine’s dialysate bags with heparin. They donned their sterile gloves and plastic aprons and performed the operation on the kitchen table. My mum was in the other room with Jasmine who was hungry, poor thing. I had forgotten to get her milk out of the fridge and once the nurses were in full injection flow we couldn’t open the door. Jasmine enjoyed her bottle once she finally got it and will probably be really glad when she learns to talk and can ask me for things.
This afternoon we went out to enjoy the sunshine again and when we arrived back Jasmine’s Auntie Zoe was sitting outside waiting for us. Jasmine was delighted with her new Pooh bear and looks forward to feeling and squishing all the different materials on it. She showed her appreciation by promptly throwing up on Zoe.
We had dinner early tonight before Jasmine was on her machine so she sat on the settee and watched us all tucking in and got quite upset at not being the centre of attention. So, we made a fuss of her so that by the time we got her to bed and on her machine she was overtired and took longer to settle down. She was just dozing off when the machine started to alarm so we had to pick her out of the cot so that she could drain more. She was a bit cross about being disturbed – quite rightly so. She took another little while to settle back down but now she is snoozing quite happily.
I am going to trim my fingernails tonight – something I have never had to do before. My nails have started to grow really long and look great for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, performing dialysis duties means that a) they get in the way, and b) I can’t wear nail varnish. Isn’t that typical? I will just have to do my toenails instead.