My mum went back today so I was a bit sad as we waved her off at King’s Cross. It was really nice having her here – a definite case of how to look after your Ruth. Our flat is really tidy as she kept hoovering and cleaning things everytime my back was turned and she kept telling me to put Jasmine down – for my own good of course, but I can’t put her down just yet.
This afternoon, Jasmine and I went to the doctors so we could register her. GOSH have been faxing them all sorts of prescriptions ever since she left so the receptionists made a lovely fuss of Jasmine and knew who she was already. Then the company who provide our dialysis equipment rang up for a stock check. We use a lot of stuff everyday.
We have had her home now for over a week. Last night she slept right through the night without being sick and today she took all of her feeds without me having to put them down her tube. This evening I set up her machine, we changed her PD dressing, connected her, and drew up her medicines in less time that it took during the first few days. I believe we are getting the hang of things and are finding more time to enjoy her company, which is just fantastic as she does something new everyday. This evening she put her hands around her bottle as I was feeding her as if she was holding it. Last night, she cried to let me know that she was too hot.
At the hospital we gave Jasmine a dummy because a) it soothed her and b) it was good for her to keep sucking and feeding orally, which is something that renal babies can forget to do as they have difficulty feeding. However, she has given up her dummy now as she much prefers chewing her hand. If you give her the dummy, she will spit it out in order to chew her hand. At first we thought that she did her handchewing because she was hungry. Now we have decided it is a comfort thing as she chews it before feeds, after feeds, and when she is tired.
I still can’t believe that she is ours and is home with us. To celebrate, we are going to lie about the place this weekend admiring each other.
[…] who keep Jasmine in their gardens do google about quite a bit. Last time in my webstats there was How to look after your Jasmine and today there was a ‘Things that will make Jasmine feel better’. One thing that makes […]