We weigh Jasmine every morning and every evening to check that she is not retaining extra fluid, so it is difficult to keep her weight gain in perspective and I get quite agitated, especially when she vomits a lot. So today I put this t-shirt on her after another vomit and noticed that it is quite small compared to how she used to look in it. Aha! She is growing – it used to come down to her knees. I am thrilled.
On Friday, Sarah took Jasmine and I out to lunch in Soho and showed us a good time. And on top of that, Jasmine got some lovely gifts: a fabulous flowery t-shirt from Sarah and another soft woolly blanket from her Nan (thank you very much).
Jasmine’s cousin Matthew is one-years old and having a party today. We don’t think about how much fiddling we do on a daily basis, it is our norm. Today though, it would have fabulous been to throw some stuff in a bag, tuck the baby under one arm, hop on the train and go to the party. Unfortunately, a baby on dialysis and spontaneity just don’t sit together and even a trip to the park requires military style planning. So I guess we will just have to have a little party of our own in Matthew’s honour.
The terrible wind and screaming episodes that Jasmine was having seem to have stopped, and her vomiting has reduced. We totally ran out of bibs this morning as there are 10 drying on the clothes-horse. So Neil wrapped Jasmine in a towel and left her vomit to her heart’s content. Poor thing. We have taken her back off her overnight feed and we get a great night’s sleep. Jasmine then wakes at 6am and I prop her up in the cot, so that she can cough up her mucus (NG by-product boo hiss!) and then I give her morning feed. This seems to work really well.
Yesterday she was so quiet all day – no screaming fits, just singing and being a happy baby. I found it all a bit unnerving. I had forgotten these last few weeks, that cool non-screaming baby is her default mode. Neil said that she is calm and easy-going just like him and not like her mother, which is a bit rich coming from a man who after cooking dinner last night, did a lap of honour round the flat and then stood on a yellow-pages podium whilst I presented him with a medal. Dinner was tasty though: egg fu yung, but there was only a main course, unless of course you count the beer and crisps aperitif he organised for us. He even got me a bottle of Theakston’s Old Peculiar. Ahhh!
We are now the proud owners of an epi-pen. So if you ever go into anaphalatic shock after dinner round ours, we can stab you in the leg and phone the paramedics. Fantastic! We are very responsible hosts.
Hi All,
Glad to know Jasmine is growing and thriving. Hope she’s still having happy, singing,quiet days.
I shouldn’t boast but I have just had a fantastic two weeks for my 50th Birthday and had a great time. Stamatina took me to Paris for a few days. I also had a party here in Minehead. For about three days my hubbie Lee is poorly again and it’s brought me back down to earth.
So sorry you couldn’t make it home for Matthew’s Birthday party. Could you use a portable dialysis machine for Jasmine?, it’s just an idea so as you can make a trip now and again.
Sending you all Love and Kisses,
Barbara XXX
Best wishes from all in Minehead.