When I arrived this morning Jasmine was having her bloods taken for her operation tomorrow morning. They will fix her plumbing, remove her nephrostomy, fix her hernia and put some stitches in her peritoneum on the other side to prevent a hernia there. Jasmine looked happy enough having her bloods done.
Early afternoon Jasmine pulled her NG tube out so she had to have that put back in. She was due to go on dialysis at 3pm but her blood pressure was low, which can be a sign of dehydration, so her dialysis was delayed until after her 6pm feed when her blood pressure was higher. Jasmine had vomited in the night and after her morning feed so today she was a bit sleepy.
To Jasmine Ruth and Neil,
I’m glad we had a photo of Jasmine today, I’ve missed her.
Your family in Minehead will be thinking of you all tomorrow.
Love and kisses
Barbara XXX