Today, we had a mini-Christmas day with Grandma Stalker. We had turkey (mine was quorn turkey) with all the trimmings followed by Christmas pudding.
Jasmine seemed bemused by the whole event. She didn’t mind the crackers and enjoyed the snapping-crack noise. Surprisingly enough though, she hated the party hats and cried when we put them on, apart Grandma Stalker’s hat which no one could see because of her hair (and she has just told me that I am very cheeky for typing that). Jasmine never cries at anything ever so it was really strange to see cry over a party hat.
Jasmine has been receiving lots of presents and cards through the post – she has more than us. We have put them all under the tree and are getting very excited about Christmas Day. She also got a pre-Christmas lovely new outfit from Sally and John (thank you very much) and one from her Grandma.
Jasmine has not taken eyes off her Grandma since she arrived. She is amazed by her and likes to sit near her so she can stare at her without any obstructions. We have had a lovely relaxing weekend with Grandma and will be sad to put her on the train tomorrow.
Hey the dinner looks lovely, you can even see in that pic how Jasmine looks like your mam x big wide eyes. Hope you got your card x
Not surprised she cried. She is a proving the old colour scheme for little girls and wanted the pink hat daddy’s wearing!
Glad the visit went so well.