Yesterday, we got our dialysis delivery, all 22 boxes of dialysis fluid and lots of other stuff that we need everyday. We also got our shopping delivered as we go through 10 million nappies and babywipes nowadays and it is so nice to get them brought to our door. Once the girls are old enough, we are going to go out and plant a whole forest to make up for the massive landfill of rubbish we are currently generating.
Today, we are feeling all organised and are having a calm day. This is mainly because Jasmine slept through the whole night and woke up at 7.30am for the first time in about a year. It was fantastic. I put Calista down at midnight and got unbroken sleep until Jasmine woke. Neil made us a lovely breakfast (pain au chocolat and latte) and then we disconnected Jasmine and I fed Calista whilst Neil did Jasmine’s obs and washed and dressed her. And because we felt so rested we pressed on and I did Jasmine’s exit site and the machine and were all done by 10.30am. Amazing!
This week Neil went to see an podiatrist to get his feet fixed – poor man is dropping to bits – and I went to the chiropractor who has said that she doesn’t need to see me for three weeks as my pelvis has stayed correctly aligned, which is very good. As we didn’t have much in the way of appointments, we had time to catch up on all the exciting stuff like cleaning the windows, dusting, and hoovering round, and tidying up as our new bed no longer has room under it to store things. But because as we have traded in our king size bed for a double one we have room to wander about now – well not walk sideways all the time – so that is good.

We have had a big debate about Jasmine’s hair. Neil wanted to cut it so that it is easier to keep clean and tidy when she vomits (all the time) but I have resisted as she looks so cute with her lovely curls. So yesterday, I put her hair into pigtails which she wasn’t too keen on and kept pulling them out.
We often see other girls Jasmine’s age with hats, sunglasses, socks, shoes and hair accessories in, sitting happily in their buggies, and wonder how their parents manage it as Jasmine thinks everything needs pulling off and throwing on the floor. So we have given up putting anything on her so she will just have to look like a mad hippy (er like me then).
Jasmine has started to talk and is really funny. She babbles on in a way that sounds like conversation with the odd recognisable word. The other day, Neil took her blood pressure and said, ’90’. And then Jasmine said what sounded like, ’88’. We laughed for ages. She also likes the telephone and gets hold of it, presses a few buttons and then holds it to her ear. She can shuffle very fast now. She shuffles on her bum right across the room taking her opportunities where she can to grab things off tables or open cupboard doors before we catch her. She is great fun.
I am a bit sad today as we have decided to sell our chaise longue. We just don’t have the space for it anymore and it is much easier to sell this beautiful peace of furniture than to move house. It has been lovely to sit on and imagine all the people who must have sat on it over the years (it is supposed to be Victorian) and I am sorry to see it go. So, if you know anyone who wants to own a beautiful antique chaise longue then let us know.