This morning we had a visit from the nurse who looks after the children who do home dialysis. She looked at our flat to assess its suitability. Apparently, it is fine: we have taps that you can wash your hands under without touching the basin so you are sterile, and no damp or window drafts.
Later on this morning we had a chat with one of the urologists about removing the blockage in the tubes from Jasmine’s right kidney to the bladder and the various ways it could be done. The renal team think it is worth keeping the kidney and the different teams will be discussing her case tomorrow.
After that we got to feed Jasmine and give her cuddles in her new taggie blanket. She vomited a bit today and we had to shampoo her hair. She latched onto the breast which is amazing since she is bottle fed and after each feed she was happy snoozing on our laps.
Late afternoon we had a lesson on how to take blood pressures using a doppler and a blood pressure cuff and then spent the rest of the afternoon practising on each other before it was time for Jasmine to have her various observations and get weighed. We fed her again and she had yet another little vomit before she settled down to snooze.
What a super photo of Jasmine. She has her mummy’s beautiful eyes. We spent yesterday catching up on all the news with grandparents Firth at a reunion lunch for the Chiswick Ladies! Good luck with the blood pressure practice, Pat and Roger
Hi Ruth, Just found your site and caught up with your news. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter Jasmine – she is absolutely beautiful. Shes going through such a lot for such a little mite. Hope things get better and better and better. Couldn’t find any contact details on your site but you should have my email with this comment. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Loads and loads (and loads) of love to you all. Jen xxxx