After explaining yesterday in a rather long blog, as it turned out, called Wrestling with Spiderman, how I have created
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One baby-lecture at a time
It takes me the same amount of time to create a three minute video as it would do to create a whole long blog which I would post on here. In either case I am answering the question: What am I trying to say? Sometimes I have no idea what I want to say until I have said it, and other times I don’t know how to begin, until I have begun. The same goes with blogging really, as I often have the vaguest idea of what I want to write about and don’t know until the end.
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This week, I have been thinking in a deep work kind of way about a project which has the potential
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Information has always meant power, so all data was fiercely guarded, until recently. Gatekeepers kept the power and got to
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A collaborative medium, a place where we all meet and read and write. Tim Berners-Lee [ 1) story, 2) pictures, 3) users, 4) content, 5) structure, 6) social
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