My guide to human-computer interaction is now available on Udemy.
- Human-computer interaction, cyberpsychology and core disciplines
- Human-computer interaction: Can you see what it is yet?
- Human-Computer Interaction: Dialogue, Conversation, Symbiosis (1)
- Codependency or Collaboration? Human-Computer Interaction: Dialogue, Conversation, Symbiosis (4)
- Human-Computer Interaction Conclusions: Dialogue, Conversation, Symbiosis (6)
Why is HCI so important?
- Design creativity: harnessing your inner genius
- Augmenting humans with social media
- Ambivalent web design
- Is this progress? Humans, computers and stories
- Storytelling in technology: The myth of progress
- Are computers making us stupid?
User: motivations, modelling, management
- Semiotics: It’s a sign
- User motivation: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- Maslow’s hierarchy of chakras
- Cognitive Science: What makes your users tick
- Cognitive Science for IT Security
- Let’s Talk! Human-Computer Interaction: Dialogue, Conversation, Symbiosis (2)
- User or Used? Human-Computer Interaction: Dialogue, Conversation, Symbiosis (3)
- Codebreaking: Humans are the weakest link
- Web design (3): Getting to grips with your user’s experiences –
- Inside your users’ mind: The cultural probe.
Data: finding patterns in the big, dark or dirty
- Our love affair with big data
- Web design (4): Being content with your content
- Visualisation: Information is power – just avoid drowning in data
- Using patterns to shape our world
- Security and usability: Don’t let your users get you down
- Privacy
- Storytelling: Narrative, Databases, and Big Data
- Storytelling with AI and machine learning
- Myth making in machine learning
- Tutorial: A quick guide to data mining on Twitter
- Giving your python a Bob Martins
- Stories, semantics and the web of data
System design
- Why task analysis doesn’t do it for me
- Who ordered pizza?
- Productive or Experiential? Human-Computer Interaction: Dialogue, Conversation, Symbiosis (5)
- Web design (1): What’s the story?
- Web design (2): Get the picture
- Web design (5): Structure
- Card Sorting: Anyone for a game of cards
- Card sort analysis using a spreadsheet
Design Theory
- Designing design: The science of the artificial
- Designing design: Function, behaviour, structure
- Function-behaviour-structure for website design
- Design using function, behaviour, structure
- Designing design: Form follows function
- Why my coffee machine is so sexy
- Designing design: No function in structure
- Designing design: The medium is the message
- Designing design: Types and schemas
- The eight tasks in an artefact lifecycle
- Designing design: Attractive things work better
- Designing design: Great expectations
- Designing with the future in mind: The Transporter Bridge, Middlesbrough
- Designing design: Colour
- Designing design: Style and standards
- Designing design: Solution spaces
- Designing design (12): Conclusions
Social media
- Maslow’s hierarchy of social media
- Web design (6): Sharing and caring on social media
- Sharing and caring on social media
- Social media explained
The social animal
- Social Psychology: The Social Animal on Social Media (1)
- Conformity: The Social Animal on Social Media (2)
- Propaganda and Persuasion: The Social Animal on Social Media (3):
- Social Cognition: The Social Animal on Social Media (4)
- Self-justification: The Social Animal on Social Media (5)
- Aggression: The social animal on social media (6)
- Prejudice: The social animal on social media (7)
- Liking, loving and interpersonal sensitivity: The social animal on social media (8)
- Conclusions: The limits of the social animal on social media (9)
Anxiety and change
- Social anxiety on social media
- Social computing: Tribes and tribulations
- Alone together: Is social media changing us?
- Alone Together three years on: Is social media changing us?
- When the internet becomes exactly what we bring to it
- Feeding the machine: The embodied human in a social media world
- Sociability amongst strangers
- Emerging technologies: New ways for shared experiences
The connection economy
- The Connection Economy: Memail, mixtapes and fortune cookies
- The Connection Economy: Memail, dodgy movies, and me
- Thou shalt not: The Ten Commandments of Social Media
- Thou shalt not: The Ten Commandments of Social Media (2)
Game theory
- Game theory in social media (1): Fate and power
- Game theory in social media marketing (2): Customers and competitors
- Game theory & social media (3): What are you playing at?
- Game theory & social media marketing (4): Conclusions
Futurology: our fears and hopes and money
- Upgrading your embodiment
- Augmented or virtual: Is your reality working or wearing?
- Trusting technology, ourselves, and others
- Is the future of techology to be found in fiction?
- Love the machine, don’t rage against it
- Westworld: Robots and 10,247 lines of code
- Westworld and the ghosts of AI
- Digital culture
- Simplexity and the Internet of Things
- The ghosts of AI
- The heart of computer programming
- Moments in modern technology