Ruth’s Blogpost Series

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As someone who spends time wondering why I blog, this blogpost series list is probably a map of my favourite topics on my quest for wisdom, or is it clarity? Or perhaps, an understanding mind. 1

From mindfulness and Bikram challenges to design theory, digital storytelling, and human-computer interaction, it would seem that I love to think about the human experience in personal and public daily life and in collaboration with computers: publicly and privately.

I also love explorations of: robots, thinking about AI in terms of the ghosts which haunt us; us social animals on social media, trying to win an audience using game theory to earn a living in the so-called ‘connection economy’; how women are represented online, in the domain of computers and in society.

Then there are practical how-tos such as coding in Minecraft, Python for Twitter, web design and blogging basics.

Pieces on creating space and comfort, privacy and intimacy, connection and trust, Maslow’s hierarchy of hierarchies, gaming adventures, autobiographical musings, and year-in-review posts help me organise my thoughts and remind me why I love to blog.

  1. My year in blogposts (12)
  2. TV and movies (22)
  3. Women (35)
  4. AI: Ghosts, robots, data (15)
  5. Social animal on social media (9)  (2016)
  6. Alone Together (2) (2015, 2018)
  7. Web design (7) (2015)
  8. Human-computer interaction on Udemy (22) (2020)
  9. Digital Storytelling (3) (2022)
  10. Maslow’s hierarchy of things (4)
  11. Design theory (12) (2016)
  12. Designing story (5) (2017)
  13. Human-computer interaction (6) (2018)
  14. Game theory in social media (4) (2016-7)
  15. The accidental techie (10) (2019)
  16. Creating Space (5) (2017)
  17. My 30 Day Bikram Challenge (5) (2018)
  18. Yoga (11)
  19. Coding in Minecraft (5) (2022)
  20. Gaming (4) (2016, 2021, 2024)
  21. Checklists (5) (2003)
  1. James 3:17

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