I love statistics and infographics like the above which shows me my most used words on Facebook. Retweeted is the most used word as I used to retweet from Twitter to Facebook. Inspired, I looked which blog posts were read most this year, and here they are:
- User motivation: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- Maslow’s hierarchy of social media
- Bikram: Heat is the way to inner peace
- Why my coffee machine is so sexy
- Katie Hopkins #myfatstory is a story of vulnerability
- Storytelling and embodiment: The stories we tell ourselves
- Alone together: Is social media changing us?
- Using patterns to shape our world
- Stalkers in space and Facebook in your face
- Chemotherapy: The year of my hair
There is no pattern at all except that I wrote each blog with a strong desire to either understand something or to share something and I look forward to doing that again this year.
Happy New Year!